Thursday, September 27, 2007


I wrote an article for my local county paper, the Wilson County News, here in Texas. I emailed them their copy, and they actually printed it on the Editorial Page! The fire depts. are listed each week in the paper, and they printed that listing right below my article. I was told they would use part of what I wrote, but I think they used the entire thing. Much have been a slow news week. ;-D How cool is that????

Support your Local Emergency Services

Written by Laurel Smith
firefighter, EMT in training
wife of a firefighter, EMT in training
mom of a firefighter & a jr firefighter

Wilson County's EMS and fire services are staffed completely by volunteers. Many of those volunteers hold full time jobs in San Antonio, and elsewhere, but they take time out of their lives to protect and serve their neighbors.

Our local fire departments are busy training their members to become better at their jobs. They are always happy to meet fresh faces who are interested in learning new skills, sharing in the fun and excitement and helping their neighbors.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) units also need new volunteers to help protect and serve our county residents. Training is provided for new volunteers, from ambulance drivers to transport and help as needed, to those willing to undergo higher training. The minimum age to participate in EMS is 18. Several families and couples are working together as EMTs here in the county.

Jr. Firefighters, teens 14 years and older, with parental permission, can be a good way to start to see if public service may become a career. It is a good community service project, as well. Several families have gotten involved together in their local departments. Dad, Mom, or both, with one or more teenager work together caring for your home and family.

If you do not feel physically able to help out in your area, then please support your local departments emotionally and financially. Pay your annual dues and visit during the various fund raisers. Pancake breakfasts, auctions, craft shows, whatever is happening, we all need to be a part of the community events. Administration help, grant writing knowledge, donations and corporate sponsors are also desired. Wilson County isn't able to totally support our various departments. To fill the gaps and upgrade the equipment to better serve the public, these fund raisers need the support of their neighborhoods and friends.

Check with your local contact person for your local fire or EMS department to see how you can help out. All fire departments are listed in the Wilson County News each week. EMS units can be found in La Vernia, Stockdale, Floresville and Eagle Creek.

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